We are pleased to invite prospective parents and carers to our of open mornings for September 2025 Reception students. All cultures, religions as well as non religious backgrounds and nationalities are celebrated throughout our school. Our open morning dates are: Thursday 24th October 9.15am-10.30am, Tuesday 5th November 9.15am-10.30am, Thursday 14th November 9.15am-10.30am, Wednesday 4th December 9.15am-10.30am and Tuesday 10th December 9.15am-10.30am. To book onto a visit please contact us at:  office@stjohnshorsham.school or call on 01403 265447 •


Ofsted Report

Our latest OFSTED report September 2023

‘Pupils thrive in this friendly school. Their behaviour is exemplary.’


‘The school provides a curriculum that inspires pupils to learn.’

‘Older pupils show a genuine care for younger pupils.’

‘Trips beyond the school enhance the curriculum…this helps pupils to connect their learning in class to the world beyond school.’

‘The school has high expectations for all pupils.’

‘The school provides many opportunities for pupils’ wider development.’

‘Pupils have a voice and are involved in the running of their school.’

‘Pupils behave well in class. This is because teachers are alert to the needs and interests of all pupils.’