We are pleased to invite prospective parents and carers to our of open mornings for September 2025 Reception students. All cultures, religions as well as non religious backgrounds and nationalities are celebrated throughout our school. Our open morning dates are: Thursday 24th October 9.15am-10.30am, Tuesday 5th November 9.15am-10.30am, Thursday 14th November 9.15am-10.30am, Wednesday 4th December 9.15am-10.30am and Tuesday 10th December 9.15am-10.30am. To book onto a visit please contact us at:  office@stjohnshorsham.school or call on 01403 265447 •


Ethos, Mission, Values and Vision

Our Ethos:

Moving forward together

Our Mission:

In Christ, we are moving forward together with the children at the centre of all that we do.  As a school community, we live out the Gospel values of loving God and our neighbour every day.

Our School Values:

In Christ,

  • Joyful in our faith
  • Aspirational in our learning
  • Confident in being me
  • Caring in our hearts.

Our Vision:

Our Vision is for St John’s to strive every day to be a Catholic school where:

  1. We live out our values to be joyful, aspirational, confident and caring in all aspects of school life from the playground to governor meetings.
  2. Labels are removed so nobody limits themselves or others, celebrating diversity and differences as well as building community and unity of purpose.
  3. High academic standards are achieved through an engaging, rigorous, broad and tailored curriculum that meets the needs and potential of all our children.
  4. Children take responsibility for their own learning and show a thirst for knowledge and understanding.
  5. Parents and carers are engaged in the educational ethos and community life of the school
  6. Staff have opportunities to grow together professionally and alongside peers in other local and Catholic schools as we move towards academisation.
  7. We are known in our parish of St John’s and our town of Horsham as a school that is joyful, aspirational, confident and caring.

We do all this so that children leave St John’s in Year 6 prepared for the next step of their educational journey and well on their way to becoming young global citizens.